All The Doors I Could Think Of
Originally posted on itch here here for the Door Jamb Jam.
Mundane doors
- The door is barred with a heavy piece of wood on the other side. You need a thin piece of metal to fit beween the jamb and the door and some leverage
- Water pressure is keeping the door closed. You need to find a way to drain water from the other side.
- A plate on the back of the door goes into the ground and the door has to be lifted up and then pushed out. A gap at the top of the door provides enough room for you to do this.
- A trapdoor, but above you. A rope ladder is bundled up at the top, out of reach.
- The door goes up and it's very heavy. Three people have to be lifting it with both hands for someone to pass through, or it'll crush whoever is underneath. Alternately, find a way to be very strong (or find someone who is very strong).
- The door is a membrane you have to cut through. This makes the dungeon angry, more angry every time you cut through a door.
- Pins hold the door in place, at a diagonal slanted angle. A powerful magnet needs to be found to open it and placed in a circular indentation on the wall.
Magic doors
- You can only pass through if you're going more than 8 kilometers per hour, or 5 miles per hour. This includes people running, as well as arrows and projectiles.
- Your muscles instantly freeze when you're passing through. You're immediately fine after passing through, you just can't move. The door jamb is about 3 feet wide.
- Passing through the door erases the last hour of memories.
- To enter, you must play a loud rhythm on a drum. You heard the rhythm earlier when entering the dungeon.
- There is no visible door, nor can you feel a door, and yet when you try and pass through the doorway you find you cannot make your limbs move accordingly. To pass through, you must mime unlocking and opening it.
- The door is bored and lonely. You must tell it a story to pass, no matter how in a hurry you are.
- The entire dungeon you have seen ghostly figures and ghostly furniture that you couldn't interact with. At the end there is a door that moves you to the ghost side of the dungeon (inspired by The City and The City)
- The door requires your own blood to open. Every time you open a door, you take damage. (inspired by One Last Breath)
Doors at the entrance of dungeons
- This door only exists when moonlight shines on it directly
- Only those who possess royal blood may pass through this door (doesn't have to be the blood that's in your veins. Can be in a vial, or on the edge of a sword.)
- This door only opens when the sun shines through the standing stones at the equinoxes
- The dungeon has a single door. Manipulate sigils on its surface to open different rooms. Some rooms contain hints as to how to get into other rooms, other sigils you must find elsewhere, but there is something imprisoned in there which is trying to escape.
- A gate with an elaborate but cuttable knot. If cut, someone will notice that there's an intruder inside. You can also attempt to untie and retie it, but it could take too long.
- The door is very small. A potion lasting an hour lets you shrink to the size of the world beyond the door. Better not run out of time...
- alternately, you're playing Mausritter for this dungeon
- Obviously, inspired by Alice in Wonderland
- It is known that if you have killed any living thing in the last three days, the gods will not allow you through this door. (This also applies when leaving the dungeon).
- There are probably fun ways and annoying ways to do this one; do the former one.
- This might be a fun place to throw in a rival adventuring party, particularly one that the players have encountered before
Doors with bigger campaign implications
- A free standing doorframe in a mundane city. If you pass through the door, you can see all sorts of supernatural beings in that city that nobody else can see. (think like Neverwhere etc)
- You can undo it by passint through the door
- Or maybe you can't
- A door that takes you to the same place 100 years in the past.
- You can go back and forth. Changes you make in the past affect the present.
- A door that takes you to a different planet.
- Maybe you're part of a government-backed expedition. Or maybe there's some ill-advised corporate project here. Or maybe it's really important that the government not find out about it.
- Only the dead may pass through this door, but the door-guard can be tricked
- Tricking the door guard might let something out that shouldn't go out, though
- An ancient civilization built massive, monumental, non-functional portals. Figuring out how to activate them will allow you to go... somewhere.
- Allow you access to their ancient cities? To places you should not go?
- Or these portals have enormous political implications - you can march armies through them